Links to the street below are central to the success of any revitalisation of this railway. At carefully selected points light wells are introduced and access through stairs, lift or ramp are suspended. Soft landscaping spills through these lightwells and onto the ground below. This is intended to achieve a number of things- to give the Park a presence at street level, to give the passer- by enticing glimpses up into the Park, and to bring natural daylight down into previously shadowy spaces below The Highline. |
Pedestrian movement through side isles, protected by a sunshade or rain shield, is to attract market traders to these access points, secure pitches being incorporated into the access point's fabric. |
Each rental stall is bordered by a series of very robust, lockable steel grids. These are hinged, allowing a large number of configurations (adjoining units can be knocked together, for example). Sections of The Highline may be shut off using these grids- useful where some late evening activity is anticipated. The linear nature of this arrangement allows these stalls to be incrementally extended in response to demand. |